The Origin Of Chirstmas Wreath?

- Nov 01, 2017-

The origin of Chirstmas wreath?

Christmas with holly and mistletoe dotted the environment, is a traditional Western customs. With the holly twigs made of wreaths hanging on the door, or will be a few branches of holly placed on the table. It is said that green can be exorcised, and holly that red and bright fruit, green leaves, in the twilight month and month really makes people feel a spring breath. Better than the holly is the mistletoe, according to the traditional Christmas custom, where the woman standing below the mistletoe, anyone can kiss her. Many families have to hang a bouquet of mistletoe in the interior door frame or ceiling. Naughty boy, often deliberately lead the girl under the mistletoe, confidently kiss her.

Christmas with holly branches made of wreaths hanging on the door, it is said that green can exorcise evil, and the holly that red and bright fruit, green leaves, in the twilight month and month really makes a sense of spring.

Christmas trees and Christmas wreaths are essential for Westerners to have Christmas.